Magazine review: Black Static #62

  Issue #62 of Black Static is once again chock full of deep, thoughtful dark fiction. This is fiction that will squirm inside of you, leaving a dark stain on your memory and things get off to a bleak dystopian beginning with Sanguinary Scar by E. Catherine Tobler. This is a pretty grim tale where a future New York-one…

Book review: Shadows Over Main Street vol 2 – Anthology

  It will need to be a pretty spectacular anthology to top what is on offer inside Shadows Over Main Street vol 2. Doug Murano and D. Alexander Ward have assembled some brilliant writers who have delivered wonderful stories in this second volume of small-town, Lovecraftian style horror. The tales contained within this anthology aren’t the type that goes…

Book review: The Tired Sounds, A Wake – Michael Wehunt

Michael Wehunt announced himself early last year with his sublime collection of weird, quiet horror ‘Greener Pastures’. For a debut collection it really is quite something. A gathering of strange stories that stretch the imagination whilst at the same time leaving you with a great sense of unease and disquiet. With ‘The Tired Sounds, A…

Book review: Greener Pastures – Michael Wehunt

There has been quite the buzz surrounding Michael Wehunt’s debut collection of dark, weird fiction. Blurbs from some of the best in the genre have been waxing lyrical about his literary prose, unnerving themes and originality. But, what did I think? ‘Greener Pastures’ is one of the best collections of dark fiction I have read…